Volume 2, Issue 7
July 2001
Author: Wes
Introduction and News
Crypt Statistics
Sign Off
Well, Final Nights has been with us for over a month now and Methuselahs are
beginning to figure out which cards will go in every deck and which ones
will line the hamster cage.
In this issue, I have endeavored to compile the most useful statistics of
all vampires from the entire set of 423 from all expansions to date, up to
and including Final Nights.
While most of this data is easily obtained using the excellent 'Monger'
I thought it might be helpful to have a simple overview of what we now have
available to work with.
I think that there are some interesting conclusions that can be made by
looking at the set as a whole.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin...
Please note that while drawing this up I have considered any clan to be one
which has a unique set of disciplines. Therefore, a special case must be
made for the following:
-Gangrel Antitribu (ani, cel, for, obf, pro)
-Malkavian Antitribu (aus, dem, obf)
-Ventrue Antitribu (aus, dom, for)
I have therefore classified these three clans as being distinct from the
other Sabbat 'Antitribu' counterparts who otherwise have the exact same
disciplines as their Camarilla cousins.
Antitribu clans, Caitiff and Panders are not included as clans with an
inherent discipline, though they are of course included in the statistics in
The following can be considered 'Primary' disciplines. These disciplines do
not belong to any one clan specifically.
Clans with inherent Animalism: 5
(Gangrel, !Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Tzimisce)
Vampires with ani/ANI: 108
Vampires with ANI: 50
Number of 'weenies' with ani/ANI: 20
1-caps: 1
2-caps: 4
3-caps: 7
4-caps: 8
Smallest capacity of vampires with ANI: 5
1. Bear Paw Gangrel 5
2. Devin Bisley Tzimisce 5
3. Nigel the shunned Nosferatu-Antitribu 5
4. Calebros, The Martyr Nosferatu 5
Clans with inherent Auspex: 5
(Malkavian, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce, !Ventrue)
Vampires with aus/AUS: 173
Vampires with AUS: 83
Number of 'weenies' with aus/AUS: 28
1-caps: 1
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 12
4-caps: 13
Smallest capacity of vampires with AUS: 3
1. Zoe Malkavian 3
2. Isabel de Leon Toreador 3
Clans with inherent Celerity: 4
(Assamite, Brujah, !Gangrel, Toreador)
Vampires with cel/CEL: 148
Vampires with CEL: 66
Number of 'weenies' with cel/CEL: 25
1-caps: 2
2-caps: 4
3-caps: 8
4-caps: 11
Smallest capacity of vampires with CEL: 3
1. Sarah Brando Brujah-Antitribu 3
Clans with inherent Dominate: 6
(Giovanni, Lasombra, Malkavian, Tremere, Ventrue, !Ventrue)
Vampires with dom/DOM: 158
Vampires with DOM: 70
Number of 'weenies' with dom/DOM: 25
1-caps: 1
2-caps: 5
3-caps: 3
4-caps: 16
Smallest capacity of vampires with DOM: 4
1. Gloria Giovanni Giovanni 4
2. Ingrid Russo Ventrue-Antitribu 4
3. Chas Giovanni Tello Giovanni 4
Clans with inherent Fortitude: 5
(Gangrel, !Gangrel, Ravnos, Ventrue, !Ventrue)
Vampires with for/FOR: 120
Vampires with FOR: 46
Number of 'weenies' with for/FOR: 20
1-caps: 2
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 7
4-caps: 9
Smallest capacity of vampires with FOR: 5
1. Camille Devereux Gangrel 5
2. Raven Gangrel 5
3. Ghivran Dalaal, The Dead God Ravnos 5
Clans with inherent Obfuscate: 6
(Assamite, Followers of Set, !Gangrel, Malkavian, !Malkavian, Nosferatu)
Vampires with obf/OBF: 138
Vampires with OBF: 73
Number of 'weenies' with obf/OBF: 28
1-caps: 1
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 12
4-caps: 13
Smallest capacity of vampires with OBF: 4
1. Agrippina Nosferatu 4
2. Tansu Bekir Assamite 4
Clans with inherent Potence: 4
(Brujah, Giovanni, Lasombra, Nosferatu)
Vampires with pot/POT: 143
Vampires with POT: 57
Number of 'weenies' with pot/POT: 28
1-caps: 2
2-caps: 4
3-caps: 9
4-caps: 13
Smallest capacity of vampires with POT: 4
1. Hector Sosa Brujah 4
2. Hugo Brujah-Antitribu 4
3. Jimmy Dunn Pander 4
4. Agatha Nosferatu-Antitribu 4
5. Chas Giovanni Tello Giovanni 4
Clans with inherent Presence: 4
(Brujah, Followers of Set, Toreador, Ventrue)
Vampires with pre/PRE: 143
Vampires with PRE: 73
Number of 'weenies' with pre/PRE: 25
1-caps: 3
2-caps: 3
3-caps: 7
4-caps: 12
Smallest capacity of vampires with PRE: 3
1. Gideon Fontaine Ventrue 3
The following can be considered 'Specialized' disciplines. They belong to
one main clan or antitribu clan, though individual members of other clans
may also possess them.
Clan with inherent Chimerstry: Ravnos
Vampires with chi/CHI: 24
Vampires with CHI: 13
Number of 'weenies' with chi/CHI: 7
1-caps: 0
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 2
4-caps: 3
Smallest capacity of vampires with CHI: 4
1. Salbatore Bokkengro Ravnos 4
Clan with inherent Dementation: !Malavian
Vampires with dem/DEM: 19
Vampires with DEM: 11
Number of 'weenies' with dem/DEM: 5
1-caps: 0
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 1
4-caps: 2
Smallest capacity of vampires with DEM: 5
1. Muriel Foucade Malkavian-Antitribu 5
Clan with inherent Necromancy: Giovanni
Vampires with nec/NEC: 25
Vampires with NEC: 13
Number of 'weenies' with nec/NEC: 5
1-caps: 0
2-caps: 0
3-caps: 3
4-caps: 2
Smallest capacity of vampires with NEC: 3
1. Rudolpho Giovanni Giovanni 3
Clan with inherent Obtenebration: Lasombra
Vampires with obt/OBT: 28
Vampires with OBT: 12
Number of 'weenies' with obt/OBT: 5
1-caps: 0
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 0
4-caps: 3
Smallest capacity of vampires with OBT: 5
1. Guido Lucciano Lasombra 5
Clans with inherent Protean: Gangrel, !Gangrel
Vampires with pro/PRO: 60
Vampires with PRO: 24
Number of 'weenies' with pro/PRO: 13
1-caps: 2
2-caps: 1
3-caps: 4
4-caps: 6
Smallest capacity of vampires with PRO: 3
1. Chandler Hungerford Gangrel 3
Clan with inherent Quietus: Assamite
Vampires with qui/QUI: 26
Vampires with QUI: 16
Number of 'weenies' with qui/QUI: 5
1-caps: 1
2-caps: 1 (Note that Fida'i are counted only once)
3-caps: 1
4-caps: 2
Smallest capacity of vampires with QUI: 5
1. Harika Guljan Assamite 3
Clan with inherent Serpentis: Followers of Set
Vampires with ser/SER: 30
Vampires with SER: 16
Number of 'weenies' with ser/SER: 6
1-caps: 1
2-caps: 1
3-caps: 2
4-caps: 2 (Note that Aabt Kindred are counted only once)
Smallest capacity of vampires with SER: 5
1. Dedefra Followers of Set 5
2. Mirembe Kabbada Gangrel 5
Clan with inherent Thaumaturgy: Tremere
Vampires with tha/THA: 70
Vampires with THA: 31
Number of 'weenies' with tha/THA: 11
1-caps: 0
2-caps: 3
3-caps: 4
4-caps: 4
Smallest capacity of vampires with THA: 2
1. Magdelena Schaefer Caitiff 2
Clan with inherent Vicissitude: Tzimisce
Vampires with vic/VIC: 26
Vampires with VIC: 9
Number of 'weenies' with vic/VIC: 7
1-caps: 0
2-caps: 2
3-caps: 1
4-caps: 4
Smallest capacity of vampires with VIC: 4
1. Lolita Houston Tzimisce 4
1) Of the secondary, 'specialized' disciplines, some are more readily
available than others. Protean and Thaumaturgy are the most weenified, with
13 and 11 vampires (respectively) under 5 having those disciplines
available. This can probably be attributed to their being featured in the
original Jyhad set. In the RPG (with the usual disclaimer that this is not
relevant to the CCG) Protean is fairly common among non-Gangrel as they have
no objection to teaching it to outsiders, nor could they really organize
effectively as a clan to stop this practice. The Tremere, on the other hand,
have a serious objection to non-Tremere learning the ways of Thaumaturgy and
have been known to hunt and destroy those who learn it without their
permission (ie. everyone). However, many clans have come up with
'paths' of their own (mostly independently), notably the Tzimisce (Koldunic
sorcery), Setites and Assamites.
2) Similarly, the disciplines introduced in later expansions have less
representation in the entire set for obvious reasons. There are 24-30
vampires in total who have any of CHI/NEC/OBT/QUI/SER/VIC. Compare to 60 in
total with knowledge of PRO and 70(!) who know THA. Obviously, in the
original Jyhad set, PRO and THA were the *only* specialized discipline
available, though they have also received (disproportionate?) boosts in
subsequent expansions.
3) Dementation is the odd-man-out with only 19 vampires possessing it. While
still a strong discipline, with such a limited pool to draw from, this
discipline is harder to work with than others. This may change if the game
ever incorporates the changes in the 3rd Edition RPG (The Malkavians
switched from Dominate to Dementation as a primary discipline). This could
be represented with a Master similar to Tajdid or Week of Nightmares.
4) Dementation is also somewhat unique in that there are no other clans with
Dementation as an inherent discipline. Unlike other 'Antitribu', they are
not the mirror image of their Camarilla cousins (such as !Tremere or
!Toreador) nor are they using a unique combination of primary disciplines
(such as !Ventrue or !Gangrel),
nor are they as numerous as the Lasombra or Tzimisce who are a 'full clan'.
The Bloodlines expansion, if it is designed with each bloodline's
specialized disciplines is likely to end up being similar in scope to the
!Malkavians as they are now.
5) Of the 'primary' disciplines, some are in use by more clans than others
which may explain why they appear more frequently than others. For example,
DOM appears in five main clans and one 'sub'-clan (the !Ventrue). There are
158 vampires in total that have DOM at some level of ability. However, CEL
is possessed by only three main clans and one 'sub'-clan (City !Gangrel) and
yet there are 148 vampires with CEL.
6) Animalism, which is possessed by four main clans and one 'sub'-clan
(Country !Gangrel) only appears on a total of 108 vampires. This can
somewhat be explained by both the Tzimisce and Ravnos (as well as !Gangrel)
appearing in later sets than the original game.
7) I think from looking at these statistics that there are a few 'holes'
that exist. Having said that, some of the holes may be appropriate. For
example, it would probably *not* be a good thing for the game to have a
3-capacity vampire with superior Potence. The specialized disciplines
however do need smaller vampires with their disciplines or at least a way to
*learn* that discipline. Sargon Fragment and Veneficorum Artum Sanguis are a
step in the right direction as they allow any vampire to quickly fit in with
a clan with a limited pool to draw from (with that discipline). A case could
be made that this could help the other 'secondary'
disciplines such as Chimerstry, Quietus, etc. Ironically, OBF and POT really
*didn't* need this as much, but neither Hand of Conrad or Changeling Skin
Mask are entirely useless either...
8) Is it possible that more Caitiff/Panders are needed? For the same reasons
illustrated above, it would be useful to have very small capacity vampires
to 'flesh out' the secondary disciplines. Julius does this nicely for QUI or
SER, and Mitchell does this for OBT. A few more would probably not be
unwelcome. Weenies of the
affected clans would work just as well of course. A 3-cap with superior
Serpentis for example.
I hope that you have found this newsletter informative. Once again, I cannot
recommend the Monger utilities enough for both statistical analyses, deck
construction and a quick reference guide for errata.
And finally, I hope that I will finally be able to meet many of you at Gen
Con in a few weeks! If I can find a place to stay (ie. unlikely) then you'll
be seeing me in the finals (ie. unlikely).
P.S. Hey, wait a second... I forgot to mention the Brujah Antitribu again.
Jyhad Resource Page -> Brujah Antitribu Newsletter Archive -> Brujah Antitribu Newsletter - Volume 2 Issue 7